The 13 Moons Studio
The 13 Moons Studio

The 13 Moons Studio

deep wisdom + simple practice

Start Your Membership Today!

What is a Moon Revolution?

The 13 Moons Studio is a virtual gathering place for students and teachers who are seeking a deeper experience of the wisdom and science of yoga.

At 13 Moons Studio we live, breathe, and move with the rhythms of nature. Which means being attuned to the revolutions of the moon.

Here, Guru Singh describes the significance of the moon to a spirit based life.

A Map for Better Life

In this video Guru Singh explains how the 13 Facets of each Moon Revolution can support you to live your best life.

What's Inside the 13 Moons Studio

  • Current Revolution Content (13 Revolutions per year)

  • New Moon and Full Moon Practices

  • Live Weekly Classes

  • Guided Meditations + Yoga Nidra / NSDR Practices

  • Library of Classes

  • Mantras and Music with Guru Singh

  • Library of Meditations, Kryas, Choti Kryas + Kryalitos (express yoga practices)

  • Story Time with Guru Singh

  • Seasonal Classes (2 Solstice Workshops and 2 Equinox Workshops)

  • New Years Eve Workshop + Other Special Classes

Join now

Current Revolution

8th Revolution

Each Moon Revolution features a different set of practices, meditations, and inspirations.

Current Moon

This honeybee moon, this dream of prayer moon, is what the aboriginals called a doorway into the spirit world, where all of the dreaming, of all creation, originates.

All 13 Facets

Each Revolution we focus on new meditations, kryas, wisdom keys etc. 

Click the image above and learn more about the 13 Facets of each Revolution of the Moon.

Free Meditation

Join Guru Singh for a complimentary meditation  practice by clicking the image above.

Free Krya Practice

Never practiced with us at 13 Moons? 

Click the image above and join us for a simple yet complete practice.

This Moon's Toolbox

Click the image above to check out our complete revolution practice kit.

It's where you will find our current mantra, meditation, krya, and more...

Meet Your 13 Moons Community

A daily practice is filled with so many benefits, and having people to share it with is definitely one of them.

Kelli Butler
Sandra Loeser
Charolette Kopp
Gopal Shiva Kaur / Hanna Opanasenko
Aycan Labansky
Sarah Presley
Kayla McQueen
Jai Ram Kaur ( Lorna Kerin), Chairperson Kundalini Yoga Ireland 🇮🇪☘️✨💕🙏

Words cannot convey the experiences I have learning Kundalini yoga. I met Guru Singh just when I needed his teachings and guidance. He and Guruperkarma have created this 13 Moons community through their inspirations and are teaching all of us to do the same.

This community is bringing me into who I am and all that I am to be!

We are the change we want to see~ “tag, you’re it” 💚

Kelli Butler

I am a 500 hour Yoga Teacher, Spiritual Life Coach, Daring to Rest Yoga Nidra Facilitator and Reiki Master and have been a member of the 13 Moons Community for more than 5 months now.

Being a member is an experience that makes my heart sing. Suddenly life doesn't feel so chaotic and scary anymore, and I am filled with joy and gratitude, having the authority to be who I am, when I am, as I'm.

Thank you so much to Guru Singh, the entire team behind the scenes, and the thousands of members who make this place so special and magical. I love you all. Sat Nam💕

Sandra Loeser

Guru Singh explains the whys what's where's and how's in a way that encourages me to try out, experience, discover and understand on many different levels simultaneously.

He provides a perfect inspiring background for my knowledge-thirsty brain as well as mantras and music for my heart.

And: very important for me: he always finds words full of respect that don’t make me feel stupid, but worth to be reminded of what already is. I never feel pushed, but constantly invited to create a better future together.

The 13 moons community is a daily enrichment for my life.
I love it, I enjoy it, I recommend it!
And hope we get more and more people connected in this spirit – maybe you, too?

Charolette Kopp

I'm a recent Kundalini University graduate and a member of the 13 Moons community, and I can tell that practicing Kundalini yoga with Guru Singh and receiving wisdom from him is an innovative and inspiring experience.

It is that kind of experience that motivates you to grow your inner authority and become no less than Who You really Are, a creator of your life.

Sat Nam🙏

Gopal Shiva Kaur / Hanna Opanasenko

I started to practice with Guru Singh at the very beginning of this year 2023 by joining the 6 week long Miracle Meditation Challenge.

I’ve clearly seen the transformation in my head-brain, heart-brain and gut-brain during these 6 weeks. As I started to feel more centered and connected to my(higher)self, I became more joyful and spreading light to those around me.

I am very grateful that I joined to the 13 Moons Community. Now I enjoy and am in-joy with each shared knowledge and wisdom (with scientific background) along with meditation and krya by Guru Singh.

I like the rich library of practices and classes where I can find something according to my daily needs.

I’d recommend anyone to join this community and open themselves to a new version of themselves. Much love and light. Sat Nam, Aycan (from Istanbul, Turkey; lives in Bratislava, Slovakia)

Aycan Labansky

The 13 moons community is a sacred space where we come together to learn, grow and expand our awareness. I feel blessed to have easy access to the knowledge and wisdom shared by Guru Singh. Every day I can choose from a great selection of kryas, meditations or classes, some of which I can join “live”.

The whole team have created a safe space where you can connect in from any place in the world and feel you are among kindred spirits

Sarah Presley
Author of Making Friends With Yourself: A practical guide on how meditation can take you from overwhelm to an inner calm
Co-owner of the British School of Meditation

Sarah Presley

Thank you to the incredible team at The 13 moons. The pace that the meditations and poses are practiced is what immediately drew me in.

It's been almost a year since I joined the community and not only has my nervous system been soothed but the resonance of the words have made a direct impact on my personal and business life. So much so, that I feel called to expand my business to share these simple and powerful ways of living through the corporate world.  I feel so grateful to be reconnected to my guiding spirit.

Kayla McQueen

It is such an absolute privilege to take Kundalini yoga classes with Guru Singh & to be part of the wonderful 13 Moons Community 🙏

I have been practising yoga for over 30 years and Guru Singh is the most joyful, authentic, uplifting & knowledgeable master yoga teacher I know. His teachings are so rich and diverse that I call him the Leonardo da Vinci of Kundalini Yoga!

Guru Singh empowers us as students, as seekers & as teachers to realise our ability to live in joy, ease, knowing & liberation. He offers us ancient meditations and yoga practises in accessible, contemporary ways to deal with the inevitable tension, pressure, stress & friction that are part of life.

After every single lecture or class, I feel renewed, blessed & energised to get out back there and shine my light even more!

Jai Ram Kaur ( Lorna Kerin), Chairperson Kundalini Yoga Ireland 🇮🇪☘️✨💕🙏

Begin Your Practice

Start practicing with the 13 Moons Community + Guru Singh today!